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Daughter of the Moon

Daughter of the Moon

  • By Mike Craig
  • Release 19/04/2011
  • Music Genre Folk
  • Media Format CD
Price: USD $22.68

Product Notes

Career Altering Misconception It is incredible to me how clear your vision is when you look back to past events in your life and see that one point in your life that would have changed everything. I just recently saw this moment in my life. Beyond my wildest dream my 'Daughter of the Moon' Album from 1973 found it's way to Europe and beyond and started a fan base that was not known to me until the internet entered my life. At the time this album was being recorded I had a misconception that the producers were trying to turn me in to Disco or something worse. The album for all purposes should have never been released. I failed my contractual obligations on this album by not touring or trying to distribute it in any way. The original Stampers were flawed and a second set of stampers was made. I went to the Record Plant and took the stampers from them to stop the album from being made, and never had any idea how many of these albums were made some had been distributed before the pressing was stopped. I never was even sure where they ended up (I thought they were destroyed) the fan base I have in Europe had no other exposure to my music or any true knowledge of me. In the past year with my website and MySpace page I have tried to give them the true story of my music. In doing this I opened up some old wounds and forgotten memories and made an eye opening realization about the 'Daughter of the Moon' album the producers were trying to make me go back to how I sounded when I first started playing in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco at the end of the 1960's when I jammed with conga and flute players. Thank you to Patrick in Sweden and Ben in Scotland and other European and Australian fans that helped me make the decision to officially release the 'Daughter of the Moon' album. From the feed back on my new CD 'Heart Space" the songs that are the best liked are songs from my San Francisco days before my music changed in Phoenix to being more Raw and Bluesish. I am going to be playing two shows in London in June and I know this would be a journey for all of you in Europe but I would be honored if any of you came to see me I would love to meet you and thank you for showing me a lost direction in my life.


Artist: Mike Craig
Title: Daughter of the Moon
Genre: Folk
Release Date: 19/04/2011
Label: CD Baby
Media Format: CD
UPC: 884501509664
