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- (Digipack Packaging)
- Format: CD
- Release Date: 12/07/2011
(Digipack Packaging)
Format: CD
Release Date: 12/07/2011
- Artist: Andrea Immer
- Label: Ameson
- Genre: Classical
- UPC: 3760087530186
1 Zyczenie (The Wish), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/1, CT 129
2 Wiosna (Spring), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/2, CT. 130
3 Moja Pieszczotka (My Darling), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/12, CT. 140
4 Smutna Rzeka (The Sad Stream), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/3, CT. 131
5 Precz Z Moich Oczu! (Out of My Sight!), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/6, CT. 134
6 Dwojaki Koniec (The Double End), Dumka for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/11. CT. 139
7 Piosnka Litewska (Lithuanian Song), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/16, CT. 144
8 Posel (The Envoy), Song for Voice & Piano, 74/7, CT. 135
9 Gdzie Lubi (There Where She Loves), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/5, CT. 133
10 Wojak (The Warrior), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/10, CT. 138
11 Pierscien (The Ring), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/14, CT. 142
12 Hulanka (Merrymaking), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/4, CT. 132
13 Nie Ma Czego Trzeba (There Is No Need), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/13, CT. 141
14 Narzeczony (The Bridegroom), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/15. 14/15, CT. 143
15 Czary (Charms), Song for Voice & Piano, KK. Iva/11, CT 146 (B. 51)
16 Sliczny Chlopiec (Handsome Lad), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/8, CT. 136
17 Dumka (Reverie), Song for Voice & Piano, KK. Ivb/9, CT 147 (B. 132)
18 Spiew Grobowy (Hymn from the Tomb), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/17, CT. 145
19 Melodya (Melody), Song for Voice & Piano, Op. 74/9, CT. 137
20 Songs (6) for Voice & Piano, Op. 20, M20: Na Ksiezycu Czarnym (Dans L'abîme D'une Sombre Lune)
21 Songs (6) for Voice & Piano, Op. 20, M20: Swiety Franciszek (Saint François Parle)
22 Songs (6) for Voice & Piano, Op. 20, M20: Pachna Mi Dziwnie Twoje Zlote Wlosy (Le Doux Parfum de Tes Cheveux)
23 Songs (6) for Voice & Piano, Op. 20, M20: W Mym Sercu (Mon Âme Rêve)
24 Songs (6) for Voice & Piano, Op. 20, M20: Z Maurytanskich Spiewnych Sal (Des Pénombres Du Palais)
25 Songs (6) for Voice & Piano, Op. 20, M20: Na Pustej Trzcinie (Ses Cheveux S'emmêlent)