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  • Van Helsing , Kevin J. O'Connor

    • Van Helsing
    • During the late 19th century, legendary vampire hunter Gabriel Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman) is sent to Transylvania to stop the diabolical Count Dracula from creating a race of undead progeny. Joined... more
    Release Date: 12/09/2017
    4K Ultra HD
    Price: USD $20.50
  • Underworld , Kate Beckinsale

    • Underworld
    • In the Underworld, Vampires are a secret clan of modern aristocratic sophisticates whose mortal enemies are the Lycans (werewolves), a shrewd gang of street thugs who prowl the city's underbelly. No... more
    Release Date: 27/12/2016
    4K Ultra HD
    Price: USD $24.01